Friday, September 19, 2014

I Believe You May Be Brainwashed

Do you know what always bothers me?

What bothers me is the fact that there are powers that be that are actually brainwashing us to believe certain things and to behave certain ways.

And because they are so good at what they do, most of us refuse to believe that we are victims of their brainwashing.

Everyone knows that there is such a thing as "propaganda" but most people don't really realize the effect that it has own their own life.

Let's define the word first.

Propaganda means information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Whether you know it or not, propaganda plays a very big and important part in your life.

What if I were to tell you that propaganda was used when the "Powers that Be" decided that they wanted the United States citizens to start life off in debt?

Debt is an excellent way that banks use to create money for those that own the banks and have created the banking system. They decided that the best way for them to make money was to promote debt to the citizens.

Well, you can't really go out and promote DEBT cause nobody would buy into it.

So, what they did was decided to make the population feel that they would never succeed in life unless they had a college education. A college education would be too expensive to purchase, so students who wished to go to college would have to take out a loan in order to do so. After they graduate from college, they will start their life off IN DEBT to the banksters that run this world.

So, they created publicity, made commercials, television shows, movies, had it taught in school that you MUST get a college education in order to make it in this world.

And we bought into it, hook, line and sinker.

Now, don't get me wrong.

I am not saying that getting a college education isn't a good thing. I am not saying it is a bad thing either. I'm just telling you that it was propaganda used on society to start our youth out in debt. I used this example to show you how you can be persuaded by something without really realizing it.

I say all of this to tell you this...

Propaganda has been used to make most people that MLM is a "pyramid scheme." The propaganda used was to fool you into believing that working for a corporation is not a pyramid scheme and that you work to build up your social security so one day you can retire.

This is totally backwards and if any rational thinker took two seconds to actually think about it, s/he would see exactly how backwards this believe is.

First of all, the biggest Ponzi pyramid scheme that ever lived is the Social Security scheme. By definition alone the Social Security scam is a Ponzi scheme.

What is a Ponzi scheme?

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator pays returns to its investors from NEW capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator.

Instead of investing the money that the older generator put into their social security, the government used it. Now they are using the investment of today's youth to pay the social security checks of the retirees. How is that NOT a Ponzi scheme?

Well, they duped you even further to make you believe that corporations are NOT the pyramids, but that MLM organizations are pyramid "schemes."

Let's think of any company that you have ever worked with. Generally, there is only 1 person at the top of the organization. This person makes most of the decisions and gets paid the huge salary. He is the TOP of the pyramid. The VP's and Executives under him make up the next level. They are also highly paid and contribute to the decision process at the company. The next level is the Management Level, followed by the Support Staff.

Is that NOT a pyramid? But what makes it more of a scheme is the fact that those on the bottom hardly if ever, make it to the top. In fact, they are the hardest workers but get paid a mere morsel compared to what the higher ups make. And they will more than likely NEVER make it to the top.

Now, if you look at the organization of a MLM company, anyone can make it to the top. There are no limits or college education, social status, nepotism or anything else required to make it to the top EXCEPT HARD WORK.

Anyone who is willing to work and put their minds to it can make the same salary as a CEO of any major corporation.

But the powers that be do not want you to know this information because it would be better for them if you remain ignorant. This way, you will work for years in their companies and make them rich and keep the belief that you will never be rich. They want you to believe that.

And for the most part, we do.

Sad isn't it.

I just wanted to share this with you just in case the next time you come across a person you are sharing your business opportunity with, and they come out with that ignorant statement, "Well, isn't this a pyramid scheme?" Explain to them what a pyramid scheme really is, and point out to them that 9 times out of 10, the company they are presently working for is a pyramid scheme, where they will NEVER make it to the top position. Whereas the company you work for, is waiting for you to make it to the top position and will do everything in its powers to help you get there.

Tthe Secret to Becoming Successful In Network Marketing

Hey you,

Dawn Fields here.

I just finished playing on Facebook and meeting a few new friends when I got the idea to write this article for you.

Me meeting friends on Facebook had nothing to do with this article, but it is times like these, when I am doing something totally relaxing and enjoyable, that great ideas always seem to come to me.

Like a FLASH, the thought entered my mind to write a helpful article for my blog and newsletter that will show you the secret to becoming successful in Network Marketing.

I know most people believe there is a "Secret" to being successful in Network Marketing and if they could only find that secret that those who are successful, are trying to keep hidden, than they too can become successful.

Well, I hate to have to break it to you this way but there is no other way to say it.

Base yourself for this one.

The truth is, there really is no secret.

It's only a secret because you haven't discovered it yet. But relax, I'm about to share "the secret" with you.

But first let me tell you a story.

Last month we had my daughter's Sweet 16 party so now she is old enough to drive.

I took her out for her first lesson the other day.

She was super excited.

I was super afraid. Here I was, trapped in a car, with my 16 year old daughter, and she was about to have total control over the vehicle-and my life.

Now for you parents who have had this experience before you know that it is no joke sitting on the passenger side with a teenager who spends most of her days taking Selfies and sharing them on Instagram IN TOTAL CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE.

In fact, at the time, she was wearing a t-shirt that read "Hold Up. Give me a Minute. I have to take this Selfie first."

OK, I digress.

Well, when she first got behind the wheel, she said, "I am finally going to learn the secret of driving a car."

Now, is driving a car a real secret?

Of course it's no secret.

But to her and the millions of teenagers who never experienced sitting behind the steering wheel of a car, it probably seems like some super mysterious secret.

Mainly because it is something they've never experienced before.

Well, after her first lesson (we survived, I might add), and returned back home, her first words was, "that was scary, but pretty easy."

That's exactly how you will feel the minute you discover the Secret to success in Network Marketing.

It might feel a little scary, but it's not really a secret. In fact, becoming successful will be pretty easy, one you learn what to do and get some experience doing it.

The reason it is not a secret is because there are tons of people who are already successful at doing it. They have discovered the secret.

Now, whether or not they have stumbled upon it by accident or actively sought after it, the thing is... they have discovered the Secret of being a successful Network Marketer and you can do.

The thing you must do to discover this secret, is to seek out successful network marketers and see what they are doing AND THEN DO WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

That's the secret.

See, I told you it wasn't really a secret.

But what exactly ARE they doing?

Well, think about it.

What do you see ALL successful folks in Network Marketing doing?

You don't see them harassing their friends and neighbors about their business opportunity.

You don't see them putting ads on parked cars offering their business opportunity now do you?

You don't see them begging folks to join their opportunity either.


Why is that?

Why are people chasing after them to be on their team?

Because they have established themselves as a leader.

In order to gain any sort of success in Network Marketing so you can be the one standing on that stage at your next convention YOU MUST ESTABLISH YOURSELF AS A LEADER.